Dawaai Blog

Proteins – The Wonder in Your Food

Medically reviewed by Dr. Unsa Mohsin.

Who doesn’t like to have a perfect body, lustrous hair, and a bucket load of likes on their Instagram profiles? What’s with the people being crazy about gym-ing and having a strict workout routine? Is being fit really that important? Of course, it is! Call it peer pressure, celebrity influence, or simply growing self-worth that media has inflicted upon us, being fit is the talk of the town.

The real deal about proteins

There are broadly 3 types of nutrients that we require in our bodies; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Out of these, proteins are the most important. Why? Because it is one of the most important and most abundant constituent of our bodies, be it our hair, our nails, our internal organs, or hormones, or simply, muscle mass. Apart from that, when broken down, protein liberates energy which is needed to carry out different bodily functions. So basically, no protein, no you. 

Imagine what would happen if we did not take enough protein? A constituent that makes most of the body, if depleted can definitely lead to grave circumstances. This is why you see all those fitness freaks gulping down protein shakes like there is no tomorrow. But, shouldn’t there be a limit to it? Of course, there is!

Too much of anything is a no-no!

Gluttony has helped no one. Yes protein is here to help, but make sure you are not overdoing it. Why? Here is a list of damages that can be done by over-consuming proteins:

  • Dehydration:When your body breaks down proteins, it liberates nitrogen. And, with nitrogen you also tend to lose water, eventually becoming dehydrated. 
  • Kidney damage:With the entire nitrogen overdose, kidneys have to work a little harder than usual. On a long-term, this can be harmful for kidneys.
  • Constipation:This results when the diet is high in protein and low in fiber. 
  • Bad breath
  • Diarrhea
  • Increased risk of cancer due to consuming animal products (especially red meat).
  • Heart diseases

This brings us to another question:

How much protein should be ideal?

The daily amount depends on a number of factors e.g. age, physical activity, gender, body weight, etc. However, in general, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Sciences has concluded the following:

  • For teenage boys and active men: 3 daily servings, a total of 7 ounces.
  • For children aged 2-6, elderly, and most women: 2 daily servings, a total of 5 ounces.
  • For children > 6 years, active women, teen girls, and most men: 2 daily servings, a total of 6 ounces is recommended. 

(1 ounce is equivalent to 1 ounce of meat, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of cooked beans, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, or 1/2 ounce of nuts or seeds).

The fitness game is lit!

The fitness game is the ‘It’ game. Get to know what’s on your plate, burn those calories, eat healthy and smile more. After all, we’re all posing for selfies, let’s make them stare-worthy. 

Guest Post Credits: Dr. Faryal Zaidi



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