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Asthma prevention


Asthma is a disease that results in inflammation and subsequent narrowing of the airways (bronchial tubes). This obstructs the passage of air, causing difficulty in breathing. 


In asthmatic patients, an asthma attack may be triggered by any of the following:

  • Pollen
  • Animal Fur
  • Cold Air
  • Strenuous exercise
  • Viral or bacterial infections
  • Dust mites
  • Smoke, etc.
  • Drugs such as Beta-Blockers, Aspirin, NSAIDS, ACE inhibitors
Risk factors

Asthma may run in the family, and a family history increases the risk of getting this disease. Obesity and smoking can also be considered risk factors.

  • The characteristic symptom of asthma is This refers to a whistling sound that can be heard on breathing. Other signs and symptoms include:
  • Loss of breath, even with little activity.
  • Coughing that tends to get worse early in the morning, and at night. This may cause trouble sleeping.
  • Coughing with sputum may be the only sign present in the elderly.

Investigations usually include family history, medical history, clinical examination, and the following tests:

Allergy test, this will identify the cause of the allergy that is causing asthma attacks.

Spirometry and Peak Flow, these tests measure your ability to breathe, and can help identify if the asthma is getting worse.

Chest X-Ray, this will help rule out if there is a foreign object that is causing these symptoms.


The main purpose of the treatment is to reduce the symptoms experienced, since there is no actual cure for asthma.Firstly, and most importantly, patients should try to identify the cause of the allergy and asthma, and try to avoid contact with it. Asthma attacks can also be prevented by:

  • Preventing exposure to pollen. This can be done by staying indoors in high pollen time. And by making sure your clothes are pollen free.
  • Avoid smoking and exposure to smoke.
  • Make sure your bedding and carpets are clean.
  • Avoid exposure to pets if that causes asthma attacks.

The medication to treat asthma relaxes the constricted muscles of the airways, to make breathing easier and to reduce the symptoms.  These medicines are usually used as an inhaler.

  • For short term relief, short acting beta receptor agonists (salbutamol); and anticholinergic medicines such as ipratropium can be used.
  • For long term treatment, doctors may recommend corticosteroids, long acting beta adrenoreceptor agonist such as salmeterol, leukotriene receptor antagonists, or theophylline.
  • Your doctor may suggest medication, or a combination of medications that is appropriate for your symptoms.
When to consult a doctor?

A doctor should be consulted if the prescribed medication or combination of medications is not relieving your symptoms. A doctor should be consulted immediately if you experience

  • Persistent coughing
  • Blue face or lips
  • Sweating
  • Severe breathlessness or chest pain

Asthma may be life threatening in some severe cases, and a doctor should be consulted if symptoms cannot be managed by prescribed medication.

Available Medicine for Asthma prevention

Xaltide Hfa 50 mcg / 100 mcg


Getz Pharma

Clenil 250mcg



Rino Clenil 100mcg



Clipper 5mg



Bekson 50MCG Inhaler


Getz Pharma

Clenil Aerosol 800mcg



Rino Clenil 50mcg



Foster 200 / 6 mcg

