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Erectile dysfunction is the most common sexual disease in men. It is characterized by inability to attain a healthy penile erection required for sexual intercourse.
Erection is a response to stimuli from the brain when males are sexually excited. Impulse from the brain relaxes the penile muscles, filling up corpora cavernosa (chambers in penis) with blood resulting in erection. In erectile dysfunction, these impulses don’t reach the penis. This has a very harmful effect on sexual relationship and mental health.
Erectile dysfunction can be a result of an underlying disease or a direct cause. Some of the common causes are:
There are many risk factors that can increase your chances of developing erectile dysfunction. Age is a major risk factor in the development of erectile dysfunction. Other factors include:
Following are the characteristic symptoms of erectile dysfunction:
To reach a diagnosis, your doctor will ask for your complete medical history, and perform a simple physical exam that may include examination of your testicles and penis. To confirm the diagnosis or find an underlying cause, your doctor may perform a few tests:
Blood tests: Blood tests are done measure the levels of glucose, cholesterol, testosterone, or blood cells.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound is done to check the blood flow to penis.
The goal of management is a better sexual life for the patient and treatment of the underlying cause. It includes:
Consult your doctor if there is no improvement or worsening of the condition, and other symptoms like premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation.
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