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Liver Diseases


Liver is one of the most important organ of human body. Liver diseases can be classified in to hereditary liver diseases such as hemochromatosis, hyperoxaluria, and Wilson’s disease, cancers and tumors of liver, infectious liver diseases such as hepatitis, and liver disease caused by immunosuppression such as autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis.


There are a variety of reasons contributing to the liver damage.

  • In non-alcoholics, fat deposits in liver due to obesity, high-cholesterol, diabetes and too much medicine use (aspirin, acetaminophen and steroids).
  • An unhealthy lifestyle and regular consumption of unhygienic food (spicy, oily and contaminated) is the main reason of hepatitis - inflammation of liver.
  • Contacting hepatitis C by blood transfusion and semen.
  • Close contact with an infected person.
  • Poisoning of liver by toxins like arsenic and carbon tetrachloride (used as refrigerant and cleaning agent).
Risk factors
  • Too much alcohol usage will promote the depositing of more fat in liver cells, which it cannot break down. This makes the liver swollen and impairs its function.
  • Unprotected sex.
  • Drug addicts share needles to inject, risk of transmission of hepatitis C.
  • Getting tattoos, body piercing or any medical treatment with non-sterile instruments.
  • Nutritional deficiency.
  • Metabolic syndrome (a collection of five risk factors that makes one prone to stroke and heart disease)
  • The body’s immune system triggers an attack on body’s own liver cells which is autoimmune hepatitis.
  • Genetic causes of liver defects (rare).
  • Cancer of liver and bile duct (the tube carrying bile)

Common symptoms of liver disease are:

  • Yellowish skin and eyes,
  • Abdominal pain and swelling,
  • Swelling of legs and ankles,
  • Itchy skin,
  • Dark urine color,
  • Pale stool color,
  • Chronic fatigue,
  • Nausea or vomiting,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • Tendency to bruise easily.

The diagnosis of liver disease is done by a doctor through:

  1. History taking for alcohol and medicine use, any previous hospital admission or blood transfusion, dietary habits, unprotected sexual activity, work environment (to rule out presence of toxins and fumes), feeling of nausea and loss of appetite.


  1. Examination of the abdomen and feeling the stomach will show an enlarged liver and in cases of liver failure there is a swollen belly and legs because of fluid collection in abdomen.


  1. Blood tests


  • Antigen antibody tests to see antibodies against hepatitis virus infection, HCV for hepatitis C.
  • LFTs which are liver-function tests to check the levels of liver enzymes (special components of liver functioning). In hepatitis, the levels of bilirubin (liver enzyme) are high.


  1. Imaging tests of liver which include ultrasound, CT scan, MRI scans which show up liver fat deposits as white areas and a stiff looking liver is sign of cirrhosis (scarring).


  1. Liver biopsy is done when the ultrasound images show a sign of problem, and to confirm the presence of cancer or cirrhosis we do biopsy (using a needle for extracting a sample of liver tissue)
  • Antiviral drugs for hepatitis infections.
  • Interferons to boost up the immune system to kill the virus and cancer cells.
  • Nothing treats cirrhosis, alcohol and obesity control is the only way to slow down liver cirrhosis.
  • Radiation and cancer medicines for treating liver cancer.
  • Surgery (hepatectomy) to take out the damaged part of liver caused by liver cancer and complications of cirrhosis.
  • Liver Transplant is the last resort to treat liver failure.




  • Cut down alcohol consumption.
  • Eat healthy and exercise to reduce weight.
  • Take medicines only when needed and strictly follow prescriptions.
  • Always ask for a sealed pack of sterile syringe or instrument for piercing.
  • Vaccination for hepatitis A and B.
  • Use condoms during intercourse if the partner is suspected case of Hepatitis C.
  • Only screened blood for transfusions.
  • Use mask and gloves when spraying insecticides or other chemical use around.
When to consult a doctor?

You should consult a doctor if your condition is worsening, the intensity and frequency of your symptoms is increasing, there is no improvement in your condition, you start experiencing new side effects because of the medicines that you are taking, or there is general feeling of fatigue and lethargy.

Available Medicine for Liver Diseases