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Vaginal Thrush


It is a common yeast infection that affects most women at some point of life (about 75%). The yeast is naturally present in bowel & in minute quantity in vagina. Its symptoms arise when the yeast number increases. Other names given to this condition are candidiasis or monilia. It is unpleasant & uncomfortable, however, it can be treated usually with vaginal creams or vaginal tablets (pessaries). In some cases, the vaginal thrush can be difficult to treat & keeps coming back.


It is caused by an overgrowth of yeast called Candida albicans. Our immune system & bacteria (harmless germs) that normally live on the skin & in vagina help stop Candida specie from thriving. However, due to hormonal changes, problem with immune system & changes in bacteria due to antibiotics lead to candida specie numbers to multiply & invade vagina. Other species like Candida glabrata or Candida tropicalis may cause vaginal thrush.

Risk factors
The risk factors include:
  • You are in your 20’s or 30’s as thrush is less common in girls who haven’t started periods & women who are in menopause.
  • Pregnant females
  • You have sex when you are not fully aroused/fear getting hurt, which leads to vaginal dryness & tightness during sex, that can trigger thrush.
  • Use antibiotics
  • Poorly controlled diabetes
  • Weakened immune system because of HIV or chemotherapy.
  • Vaginal thrush is not STI (sexually transmitted infection) but it may be triggered via sex & occasionally passed on to sexual partners.

Its typical symptoms may include:

  • Itching & soreness around the entrance of the vagina (itchy labia)
  • Having vaginal discharge that is odorless, thick, white, thin & watery.
  • Painful sex that makes you worry about experiencing sex
  • Stinging sensation while peeing.
  • Sometimes the skin around the vagina becomes red, swollen, or cracked.

Its diagnosis involves:

  • Taking detailed history of symptoms
  • Examine your genitals
  • Swab from the affected area

The main aim for this infection is to reduce number of yeasts so that symptoms are reduced. It involves:

  • Antifungal creams or vaginal pessaries (tablets) are recommended for about six days, depending upon the product.
  • Oral tablets are also prescribed but it is more expensive & not recommended in pregnant women or as first line therapy.
  • Factors that are contributing to overgrowth of yeast should be identified & managed.
  • Mostly its symptoms last for short while (week before period) & treatment isn’t necessary.
When to consult a doctor?

You must consult a doctor if you are:

  • Under 16 or over 60 years
  • Pregnant
  • Self-treated yourself from the chemist but symptoms didn’t go away
  • Abnormal vaginal bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Unwell in addition to vaginal & vulval symptoms.
  • Had two episodes of thrush in 6 months & didn’t consult a doctor for more than a year.
  • Previous sexually transmitted infection
  • Bad reaction to anti-thrush medications.
  • Weakened immune system due to chemotherapy or long-term treatment with steroids

Available Medicine for Vaginal Thrush

Fentyzole V 0.02



Lomixin Vaginal 40gm


Pacific Pharma



Pacific Pharma

Lomexin 2%


Pacific Pharma