This medicine is used for treating arthritis (joint disorder), breathing problems, certain bowel disorders, blood/hormone/immune system disorders, certain eye and skin disorders, and various cancers. It can also be used as a test for disorder of the adrenal gland (Cushing’s syndrome).

This medicine is indicated in infected inflammatory conditions, rheumatology (disorders of muscles and joints), pumonary disease (lung disease).
Dexamethasone is contraindicated in following conditions:
- Active or untreated tuberculosis
- Herpes simplex virus
- An infection due to a fungus
- Intestinal infections
- Diabetes
- A condition with low thyroid hormone levels
Side effects
Patients using this medication may at times experience corneal thinning, cataract, fungal infection and rise in intraocular (eye) pressure. If you experience any of these symptoms for a long period of time, consult your doctor immediately.
Expert Advice
Take with meals.
Do not stop this medication suddenly.
Avoid alcohol.
Have regular eye examinations.
Check glucose levels reguarly, if you have diabetes.
What are the uses of this medicine?
How to store this medicine?
Please store this medicine at room temperature (18-25 Celsius). Keep medicine away from excessive light, moisture, and children. Please do not flush medicines down the toilet. Please read the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.
What are the precautions for taking this medicine?
• Increased appetite • Weight gain may occur • Irregular menstrual periods may occur • Sleep disturbances may occur • May decrease effectiveness of vaccines thus do not get vaccines during use of this medicine unless instructed by your doctor • May cause drowsiness therefore avoid work that requires alertness e.g. driving after taking this medicine • Diabetic patients must be cautious • Limit use of alcohol
How can I reduce the side effects of dexamethasone?
1.Report to your physician any severe, persisting abdominal (stomach area) pain or black, tarry stools. 2.Take the steroid mediation after a full meal or with antacids, as this may help reduce irritation of the stomach. Steroids can increase your appetite (desire to eat food).
Important notes for use of this medicine?
• Please do not share this medicine with anyone. • Be sure to tell your doctor about any conditions/diseases/disorders you have or had (e.g. diabetes, eye conditions, osteoporosis, etc) before using this medicine
Can dexamethasone make me fat?
Steroids such as dexamethasone may cause you to gain excess weight. Steroids can cause an increase in appetite and a build up (retention) of fluid.
Is dexamethasone harmful to humans?
An overdose of dexamethasone is not expected to produce life threatening symptoms. Long term use of high doses can lead to thinning of skin, easy bruising, changes in body fat (especially in your face, neck, back, and waist), increased acne or facial hair, menstrual problems, impotence, or loss of interest in sex.
Medicines containing dexamethasone