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This drug is used to induce general anesthesia.


This medication is contraindicated in lactating as well as pregnant females(unless there is no other alternative or serious injury). Consult your healthcare provider for further details. It is also contraindicated in patients with eclampsia(seizure like movement in pregnant mothers with high blood pressure ) and hypertension (high blood pressure ).

Side effects

High blood pressure , tachycardia (high heart rate ) ,hallucinations(illusions or visions, psychomotor agitation(mood disorders ) , mental confusion may occur during recovery.

Expert Advice

This medication is used for the induction of general anesthesia.

Rapid administration of this medication (over a period of less than 60 seconds) or overdose may cause respiratory depression(slow and ineffective breathing ).



This medication is contraindicated in lactating as well as pregnant females(unless there is no other alternative or serious injury). Consult your healthcare provider for further details. It is also contraindicated in patients with eclampsia(seizure like movement in pregnant mothers with high blood pressure ) and hypertension (high blood pressure ).



 High blood pressure , tachycardia (high heart rate ) ,hallucinations(illusions or visions, psychomotor agitation(mood disorders ) , mental confusion may occur during recovery.



This medication should not  be used by pregnant women since there is a positive evidence of risk.  Use only when no safer alternative exists or for a serious problem. Consult your doctor for more information based on your condition.



This medication is not recommended for lactating females.

Medicines containing etomidate

Etomidate Lipuro Per Ml

By B.Braun

Pack size: 1 Amp x 10 ml
