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This medication is indicated in painful spastic (muscle spasm) conditions of biliary, GI (gastro-intestinal), urogenital tract. 


Antimuscarinics are contraindicated in Myaesthaenia Gravis (long term neuromuscular disease), paralytic ileus (intestinal blockage),pyloric stenosis  (narrowed stomach opening), toxic megacolon (widening of large intestine) and prostatic enlargement (enlargement of prostate gland).

Side effects

Constipation, transient bradycardia (low heart rate) followed by tachycardia (increased heart rate), reduced bronchial secretions, urinary urgency, dilatation of the pupils with loss of accomodation, photophobia (light sensitivity), dry mouth, flushing and dryness of skin. Side effects that occur rarely are confusoin, nausea, vomiting and giddiness. 

Expert Advice

This medication is indicated in painful spastic (muscle spasm) conditions of biliary, GI (gastro-intestinal), urogenital tract. 

This medication is contraindicated in pregnancy. 

This effects of this medication is undetermined in nursing females. Consult your doctor for further advice. 

This medication should be used with caution in Down's syndrome, in children and in elderly. This should be used with caution in gastro-eosphageal reflux disease, diarrhoea, ulcerative colitis, acute myocardial infarction (heart attack), hypertension (high blood pressure), hyperthroidism (overactivity of thyroid gland), cardiac insufficiency, cardiac surgery, pyrexia (raised body temperature), and in patients susceptible to angle-closure glaucoma (blocked canals in the eye).

Side effects:
Constipation, transient bradycardia (low heart rate) followed by tachycardia (increased heart rate), reduced bronchial secretions, urinary urgency, dilatation of the pupils with loss of accomodation, photophobia (light sensitivity), dry mouth, flushing and dryness of skin. Side effects that occur rarely are confusoin, nausea, vomiting and giddiness. 

Antimuscarinics are contraindicated in Myaesthaenia Gravis (long term neuromuscular disease), paralytic ileus (intestinal blockage),pyloric stenosis  (narrowed stomach opening), toxic megacolon (widening of large intestine) and prostatic enlargement (enlargement of prostate gland).