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This drug is used to induce general anesthesia.

Expert Advice

Avoid this medication if:

  • You are allergic to this medicine or its contents.

Consult your doctor if:

  • You are pregnant, planning to have a child, or breastfeeding.
  • You have a medical history of: malignant hyperthermia or blood disorders such as porphyrias. Tumors, injury to the head, Liver diseases, kidney diseases, or heart disease.
  • Inform your physician about any other medication you are taking.
  • You start experiencing any of the serious side effects of this medicine.

Be careful about:

  • Taking medicines such as sleeping pills, anti-depressants, stimulants etc. before taking this medication. Consult and discuss all the medications you are taking in detail with your physician.
  • Alcohol consumption should be avoided before taking this medication.
  • It is possible for this side effect to last for up to 3 days.

Medicines containing isoflurane

Flurane 99.9%

By Biocare

Pack size: 100 ml


Forane 99.9%

By Getz Pharma

Pack size: 100 ml


Isoflurane inj 99.9%

By Adcare

Pack size: 100 ml


Isoflurane inj 99.9%

By Akhai

Pack size: 100 ml


Isoflurane inj 99.9%

By Akhai

Pack size: 250 ml


Restane 99.9%

By Akhai

Pack size: 100 ml
