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This medicine is used in the treatment of hyperkeratosis (thickening of outer layer of skin) and it also used as a moisturizer to treat or prevent dry, itchy, scaly, rough skin, and minor skin irritations.


This liquid should not be used for facial warts and warts around anus and genitals.

Side effects

Patients administered with this medication may experience burning, stinging (sharp pain), irritation, and redness. Tell your doctor right away if any of these unlikely but serious side effects occur: skin turning white/soft/soggy from too much wetness).

Expert Advice

  • Apply a thin layer over affected area.
  • Keep this medication away from your eyes, nose, and mouth.
  • Clean and dry the affected area well before use.


What is this ointment used for?

Lactic acid ointment is used for cosmetic purposes, namely, skin moisturizing and anti-aging.

Does it require a doctor’s prescription?

No, it does not. It is an easily available over-the-counter skin product.

Can it be used to improve skin complexion?

With its potential to exfoliate dead skin and lighten dark spots, it brings an improvement in the skin color as well.

Is it safe to use it over damaged skin-blistered or burned?

No, it is not. Doing so results in skin inflammation.

Can it improve acne scars?

Considering its potential to increase cell turnover, it is frequently advised by dermatologists against acne scars as well.

Medicines containing lactic-acid-containing-topicals

Lacticare Lotion 5% + 2.5%

By GlaxoSmithKline

Pack size: 60ml
