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This medication is used to treat all disorders due to androgen (male steroid) deficiency for example: potency disturbances (impaired erection), male infertility (inability to cause a pregnancy in a female), hypogonadism (diminished function of sexual glands). it is only used in male patients.


This medication should not be used in females who are pregnant or lactating. It should also not be used in men with cancer of the male breast, hypercalcemia (high level of calcium in blood) or impaired liver function.

Side effects

In females this medication can cause amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles) and other related irregularities. In males it can cause gynecomastia, (appearance of breasts in males) excessive frequency and duration of penile erections, inhibition of testicular function  (loss of function of male testicles ), testicular atrophy(decrease in size of male testicles), impotence (inability of a man to achieve an erection)

Expert Advice

This medication is used to treat all disorders due to androgen (male steroid) deficiency for example: potency disturbances (impaired erection), male infertility (inability to cause a pregnancy in a female), hypogonadism (diminished function of sexual glands). it is only used in male patients.





Patients with cardiac, hepatic or renal insufficiency (heart, liver or kidney loss of function). Epilepsy (seizures), migraine, hypertension (high blood pressure) should be cautioned as well as children before puberty should use with care.





This medication should not be used in women who are pregnant or lactating. It should also not be used in men with cancer of the male breast, hypercalcemia (high level of calcium in blood) or impaired liver function.




In females this medication can cause amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles) and other related irregularities. In males it can cause gynecomastia, (appearance of breasts in males) excessive frequency and duration of penile erections, inhibition of testicular function  (loss of function of male testicles ), testicular atrophy(decrease in size of male testicles), impotence (inability of a man to achieve an erection)



 This medication should not be taken while pregnant. Consult healthcare provider for further details.


This medication should not be taken while lactating. Consult healthcare provider for further details.

Medicines containing mesterolone

Proviron 25mg

By Bayer

Pack size: 2x10's


Sterelon 25mg

By Hansel

Pack size: 20
