Mirtazapine is not a sleeping tablet, but it can make you feel sleepy.

This medication is used to treat depressive illnesses.
This medication is contraindicated in patients that have a high cholesterol level, low level of sodium in blood, dehydration, are overweight, maniac (extreme excitement) behavior, suicidal thoughts, neuroleptic malignant syndrome (life threatening reaction in response to antipsychotic medication), muscle rigidity and confusion, heart attack, angina (chest pain), stroke (blood supply to a part of brain is reduced), closed angle glaucoma (diseases that damage the optic nerve), liver problems, low blood pressure, seizures (sudden and uncontrolled changes in consciousness), weight gain, decreased blood volume, and renal (kidney) impairment.
Side effects
This medicine has the following adverse effects, weight gain, increased appetite, abnormal dreams, confusion, anxiety, insomnia, drowsiness, headache, lethargy, dizziness, tremor, sedation, orthostatic hypotension ( sudden low blood pressure on standing up), dry mouth, GI upset, rash, arthralgia (pain in joints) , myalgia (pain in muscles), back pain, peripheral edema (accumulation of fluid in the fingers and toes) and fatigue. There have been reports of hyponatremia (decreased sodium in the blood) and agranulocytosis (decreased white blood cells). Warn patients to report any signs of infection. Stop the treatment and perform blood counts in case of an infection.
Expert Advice
- Take with or without meals.
- Place disintegrating tablet on tongue and let it dissolve. Swallow without water.
- Take single daily dose at bedtime.
- Avoid alcohol intake during therapy.
- Take sufficient amount of fluids to maintain hydration.
Is mirtazapine a sleeping pill?
What side effects does mirtazapine have?
Dizziness, drowsiness (feeling of being sleepy), lightheadedness, increased appetite, weight gain, dry mouth, or constipation (difficulty in passing stool) may occur.
Does mirtazapine calm you down?
Mirtazapine has a much more sedating (state of calmness) effect, generally reducing its potential to aggravate initial anxiety.
How long does it take for mirtazapine to kick in for sleep?
Sleep, energy, or appetite may show some improvement within the first 1-2 weeks after starting treatment with this medicine.
Can mirtazapine keep you awake?
One known symptom of Mirtazapine withdrawal is insomnia. So, whilst Mirtazapine may help you sleep when you are taking it regularly, changing the dose or stopping the medication altogether may again have a negative effect on your sleep.
Medicines containing mirtazpine