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This medicine is used in managing acute (short-term) and chronic (long-standing) pain, including post-operative, Dental and Cancer pain.


This medicine is not to be taken by patients with a history of convulsive disorders (uncontrolled shaking of body) and Myocardial infarction (heart attack).

Side effects

Common side effects are urinary retention, nausea, hypotension (low blood pressure), increase heartrate, tremors (body shaking), dry mouth ,nervousness and dizziness (lightheadedness). Allergy and angioedema (swelling of skin) at injection site.


Can this medicine be used against severe pain-causing conditions?

Yes, it can.

Does using this medicine result in disturbance of vitals?

A decreased blood pressure is usually observed. You are hence advised to monitor blood pressure regularly while using this medicine.

How should we cope with nausea and vomiting that usually follow after taking this medicine?

To help with this side effect, you are advised to consume small and frequent meals with plenty of fluid intake.

Can we withdraw its use once the pain is fully relieved?

Yes, you can. But make sure you keep your doctor informed about it.

What is the recommended dosage of this medicine?

The medicine is continued for as long as the pain is completely relieved. The dosage and the duration of administration is strictly to be adjusted by the respective doctor.

Medicines containing nefopam

INZA 30mg

By Mediceena

Pack size: 1x20 's


Novopam 30 mg

By Harmann

Pack size: 2x10's
