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This medicine is used as a hormonal contraceptive


This medication is contraindicated in pregnant females as well as those patients  with severe liver dysfunction , liver tumour , cardiac(heart) and blood related diseases , breast cancer , severe diabetes among many others should not be used. Pregnant females and patients with hypersensitivity (allergies) to this drug should also not use this medication. For further information , inform your doctor of your medical history and consult them.

Side effects

Some patients taking this medicine might experience headache, GI upset (upset stomach), nausea, feeling of tension in breast, depressive moods or changes in libido (sexual desire). If you experience any of these symptoms please consult your doctor.

Expert Advice



This medication is used as a hormonal contraceptive (to prevent pregnancy).



Patients with undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding , severe depression and diabetes should be cautioned if using this medication. Females using this as a contraceptive should wait 6 weeks postpartum (after childbirth ) if lactating as it can reduce the milk production slightly. Contact your healthcare provider for more details and inform them of your complete medical history and diseases.  Patients allergic to this medication or to any other medications should also inform their doctors .


This medication is contraindicated in pregnant females as well as those patients  with severe liver dysfunction , liver tumour , cardiac(heart) and blood related diseases , breast cancer , severe diabetes among many others should not be used. Pregnant females and patients with hypersensitivity (allergies) to this drug should also not use this medication. For further information , inform your doctor of your medical history and consult them .


Headache , GI upset , nausea , a feeling of tension in the breasts, body weight changes and libiod , depressive moods. Sometimes patients also report breakthrough bleeding(use of this medication should be discontinued ) and amenorrhea (loss of menstrual cycles).




This medication should not be taken in pregnancy.


This medication may also inhibit lactation at higher your doctor for further details..

Medicines containing norethisterone-enanthate

Norigest 200mg

By Bayer

Pack size: 1 Amp


Nova - Ject 200mg

By Social Marketing

Pack size: 1 Amp
