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This medicine is used to treat pain disorders caused by inflammatory diseases including rheumatic pain, osteoarthritis (bones and joints), and ankylosing spondylitis (disorder of the toe). It can also be used in postoperative pain, traumatic pain, painful period cramps, headache including migraine, and toothache.


  • Hypersensitivity or asthma-like responses to Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin.
  • History of Gastrointestinal ulceration, bleeding, or rupture.
  • History of Gastrointestinal disorders that lead to bleeding abnormalities
  • Lactation
  • 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Side effects

The side effects of this medicine include gastrointestinal disturbances, skin reactions, edema (swelling), brain effects, malaise (feeling of discomfort), and tinnitus (ringing in ears).

Expert Advice

  • Do not take more than the suggested dose of Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin. Taking more medicine will not make your symptoms go away; rather, this could result in overdose or other side effects.
  • Avoid giving your medicines to anyone else, even if they exhibit same symptoms or conditions.
  • Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin should be kept at room temperature, away from sunlight and heat.
  • Keep Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin out of the reach of children and pets.


How long should Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin be used for?

Do not use more or less of Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin, or take it more frequently than your doctor has suggested. Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin can help reduce your problems but may not treat them. It could take 8 to 12 weeks at least to see the full effects of Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin. Consult your doctor for more information.

What exactly is Piroxicam beta-cyclodextrin?

Piroxicam-cyclodextrin is a combination of the NSAID Piroxicam and the cyclic oligosaccharide-cyclodextrin. Piroxicam complexing boosts its solubility and, as a result, its absorption rate, resulting in a speedier start of analgesic and anti- inflammatory activity.

Can I quit taking Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin right away, or do I have to gradually taper off?

Dose of Piroxicam beta cyclodextrin should be reduced and should not stopped abruptly due to adverse effects. Consult your doctor for specific advice based on your health, body and any medicines you may be taking.

Medicines containing piroxicam-beta-cyclodextrin

Boshcam-B 20 mg

By Bosch

Pack size: 2 x 10's
