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This vaccine is used as a prophylaxis (treatment given to prevent the disease) of poliomyelitis (an infectious disease that causes crippling and paralysis). The vaccination is possible in women.


Avoid taking this medicine in case of an acute febrile disease (sudden onset illness of unknown cause) and allergy to streptomycin.

Side effects

This vaccine might produce an allergic reaction (pain and redness) at the injection site with moderate fever.


What is the polio vaccine used for?

It is used as a prevention against poliovirus that causes paralysis.

Does this vaccine leave any scar at the site of injection?

No, it does not.

Does it result in pain when injected?

Slight pain and tingling although results at the injection site, but goes away in some time.

What is the right time to get children vaccinated with it?

Two fractional doses of the vaccine are given to children at 6 and 14 weeks of age.

Does it require any booster dose later in life?

Yes, it does. Ensure that you take further booster doses of polio vaccine after every 5 years in children and after 10 years in adults.

In what circumstances should the vaccine be avoided?

It is avoided in people suffering from low platelet count, high-grade fever, any acute illness, and in those found allergic to the vaccine or any of its content.

Medicines containing polio-vaccine

Poliomyelitis Vaccine

By Bilthoven-Biological Hospital services & sales.

Pack size: 1 dose x 0.5ml
