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This medication is used in parkinsonism (condition causing abnormalities seen in Parkinson’s disease), drug-induced extra-pyramidal symptoms (tremors) but not tardive dyskinesia (involuntary repetitive body movements).


This medication is contraindicated in patients with GI obstruction, urinary obstruction and closed angle glaucoma (increased pressure in the eye).

Side effects

Patients using this medication may experience mental confusion in high doses, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, urinary retention.

Expert Advice

Take this medication after meals

Take this medication at the same time each day

Avoid alcohol during therapy


Are there any interactions of this with other medications?

Yes, this medication interacts with phenothiazines, antihistamines, memantine, nefopam, ketoconazole, levodopa and antidepressants.

What is the recommended dosage in adults?

In adults initially take 2.5mg three times daily after meals increasing at intervals of 2 or 3 days by 2.5-5mg.

Is this recommended for children?

No, this medication is not recommended in children.

When do I contact the prescriber?

Contact your prescriber if there is difficulty in breathing, unrelieved constipation, loss of memory, hallucinations, skin rashes, difficulty or pain whilst urination or if your condition worsens.

Do I avoid other medications whilst taking this?

Yes, do not take over the counter medications such as sedatives or CNS depressants without consulting your doctor.

Medicines containing procyclidine

Kemadrin 5 mg

By GlaxoSmithKline

Pack size: 100


Kempro 5mg

By Adamjee Pharmaceuticals

Pack size: 5x20's
