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This medication is used in treatment of infectious and nonspecific diarrhoea. Also used in the treatment of acute diarrhoea and various kinds of diarrhoea. Treatment of prevention of digestive complications of anti biotic therapy; colitis (nflammation of the inner lining of colon) and candidiasis (fungal infection).  

Side effects

The side effects are epigastric disturbances (discomfort in upper abdomen area).

Expert Advice

This medication is used in treatment of infectious and nonspecific diarrhoea. Also used in the treatment of acute diarrhoea and various kinds of diarrhoea. Treatment of prevention of digestive complications of anti biotic therapy; colitis (nflammation of the inner lining of colon) and candidiasis (fungal infection).  

No definite data regarding pregnancy is available, therefore; be cautious. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.

No definite data regarding lactation is available, therefore; be cautious. Consult your doctor before using this medicine.

This medication may cause fungemia (fungi in blood). Patients with yeast allergy can be allergic to this medication. Consuly your doctor before use. 

Side effects:
The side effects are epigastric disturbances (discomfort in upper abdomen area).



This medicine is used to treat infectious and nonspecific diarrhea and for oral rehydration in acute diarrhea in combination with other medicines. It can also be used for treating digestive complications such as colitis and candidiasis. Furthermore, it can be used to prevent and treat nasogastric-tube alimentation diarrhea.


This medicine is mostly used orally (through mouth). It is often mixed with lukewarm water and swallowed. The dosage is dependent on the age, condition and its severity. Please consult your doctor before using this medicine.


Please store at room temperature or in the fridge. Keep away from excessive moisture, sunlight, and children. Please do not flush medicines down the toilet. Read the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.

Side Effects:

You may experience the following: • Gastrointestinal disturbances • Slight abdominal discomfort


Following are the precautions: • Do not mix with very cold or very hot water • Do not use/discontinue if you experience any allergies to its contents

Effects on Pregnancy and Lactation:

The effects are undetermined therefore caution is advised. Please consult your doctor before use.

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