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It is indicated as a long-term (maintenance) therapy for preventing or decreasing wheezing & difficulty in breathing which is caused due to asthma or ongoing lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) which includes chronic bronchitis (long-term inflammation of the bronchi) and emphysema (lung condition that causes shortness of breath). it works by relaxing muscles around the airways so that they open up & you breathe easily. It may also be used in asthma brought about by exercise (bronchospasm).


Contrindications include: Thyrotoxicosis (high levels of thyroid hormone in the body), diabetes, low amount of potassium in the blood, high blood pressure, cardiac issues, seizures, asthma that is getting worse. Hypersensitivity to the medication or its constituents.

Side effects

The side effects of this medication include oral candidiasis (fungal infection of the mouth), hoarseness (heavy voice), headache, palpitations, hypersensitivity reactions, tremor (involuntary shaking), irregular heartbeats, myalgia (muscle pain), arthralgia (joint pain), muscle cramps and irritation in the throat.

Expert Advice

  • This medicine should be used for long-term other asthma medications (like inhaled corticosteroids) are unable to control asthma symptoms.
  • It must not be used solely to reduce asthma
  • This medicine does not act right away and shouldn’t be used in case of sudden breathing attacks. Your doctor will prescribe you a quick relief inhaler while you are on this medication.
  • It should be used with other medicines like long-acting inhaled corticosteroids. But shouldn’t be used with other long-acting inhaled beta agonists (like formoterol, combination salmeterol/fluticasone).
  • When using other inhalers, wait for at least 1 minute between the use of each medicine.
  • When using, activate and use the device in a level, horizontal position.


How should I use salmeterol?

It comes as a dry powder to be inhaled by mouth using a specially designed inhaler. When it is used for treating asthma or COPD, it is mostly used twice a day, in the morning & evening.

How to store this medicine?

Please store this medicine at room temperature (18-25 Celsius). Keep medicine away from excessive light and moisture. Dispose the inhaler six weeks after use. Please keep it away from children.

How long will it take salmeterol to act?

It does not open the airways immediately like short-acting beta 2 agonist (such as salbutamol or terbutaline). But it will keep the airways open for a much longer time. Its effects last for about 12 hours.

Is salmeterol a fast acting agent?

It is a partial agonist and has a slow onset of action i.e. of 10 to 30 minutes. It has high selectivity for beta-2 receptor.

How to administer this medicine?

The medicine is mostly inhaled though the nose. The dosage is dependent on the age and response to treatment. Please consult your doctor before use.

Salmeterol comes in reliever or preventer?

Salmeterol is used with both fast-acting reliever & preventer medication. It doesn’t replace the preventer or reliever medication. It is a long-acting bronchodilator.