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It is indicated for acute migraine (intense headache) attacks, with or without aura, only where there is a clear diagnosis.


This drug is contraindicated in patients with ischaemic heart disease (heart disease due to insufficient oxygen supply to heart muscles), previous myocardial infarction (heart attack), moderate and severe hypertension (raised blood pressure), uncontrolled mild hypertension, severe hepatic (liver) impairment, shock etc.

Side effects

Its side effects include tingling, dizziness, drowsiness, increase in BP, flushing, GI upset, sensation of heaviness, heat or pressure, pain, weakness, dyspnea (difficulty in breathing), paraesthesia (abnormal sensation of the skin such as tingling, numbness, chilling, pricking and burning). If angina-like symptoms (transient chest pain or throat pain) occurs withdraw the medicine immediately.

Expert Advice

  • Take with or without meals.
  • Do not crush, break or chew the tablet. Swallow whole with a glass of water.
  • Do not take more than 200 mg of tablet or capsule in one day.
  • Do not take this medication within 24 hours of taking other migraine medication without consulting your doctor.
  • Lie down in a dark quiet room after taking medicine to help relieve migraine.


When should sumatriptan be avoided?

It shouldn’t be used 24 hours before or after another migraine headache medicine.

Does sumatriptan work on normal headaches?

It will not relieve pain other than from migraine headaches.

What can I take with sumatriptan?

If the first dose of sumatriptan doesn’t work it’s fine to take other NSAIDS, paracetamol or aspirin containing painkillers.

How far apart can sumatriptan be taken?

If the migraine improves and comes back, repeat the same dose after 2 hours. If even the first dose does not help, do not take another dose for same attack.

Can I take tylenol with sumatriptan?

No interaction between tylenol and sumatriptan is found. Hence, it can be taken with tylenol.