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This ointment is used to treat moderate to severe eczema, unresponsive or intolerant to other therapies.


This drug should not be given to a patient if there is a known hypersensitivity to macrolides, and genetic epidermal barrier defects. This drug should also be avoided in pregnancy and lactation.

Side effects

This drug can cause burning, itching, redness, sensitivity, tingling, alcohol intolerance, increased risk of inflammed hair follicles, acne, and herpes simplex as side effects.


What does this ointment treat?

Tacrolimus is used to treat eczema (a condition with red and patchy skin).

Does it relieve the redness and itchiness associated?

Yes, it does.

How frequently is it used?

It should be used 2-4 times a day on the affected area or use it as suggested by the doctor.

Does it have abuse potential?

No, it does not.

Is it suitable for airtight dressings and bandages?

No, it is not.

Medicines containing tacrolimus-topical

Eczemus 0.0001

By Brookes

Pack size: 10gm


Tacrus 0.1%

By Shrooq

Pack size: 10 gm
