You will be instructed by your doctor regarding this matter. Ensure to strictly take the medicine at the same time every day.

Thioridazine is used as an analgesic (painkiller)
Thioridazine contains phenothiazine and its regular use as analgesic should be avoided.
What is the right time to take this medicine?
Does it bring any weight changes in the body?
Yes, this medicine has been reported to result in cholesterol and blood sugar imbalance. You are hence advised to keep your diet healthy specifically while using this medicine.
What does this medicine treat?
It is used in treatment against schizophrenia (behavior alteration).
Will it affect my eye side?
Slight eye problems have been observed in patients, you are therefore advised to follow a regular eye check-up while using this medicine.
Is it safe to drive after taking this medicine?
You are advised to take precautions, as patients using this medicine usually complain of dizziness.