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This medicine is used to treat vasomotor symptoms, such as hot flashes and night sweats, associated with menopause (permanent cessation of the menstrual cycle occurring in older women).


The patients with hormone-dependent tumors, vaginal bleeding due to unknown causes, history or current disorders of the heart or vessels, and severe liver disorders should avoid use of this medicine.

Side effects

The patients administered with this medicine may experience weight changes, dizziness, migraine, visual disturbances, seborrheic dermatitis (condition causing itchy and flaky skin), skin irritation, vaginal bleeding, gastrointestinal disturbances, altered liver function, hirsutism (excessive and abnormal hair growth), and pretibial edema (swelling of the lower leg).

Expert Advice

  • This medicine may interact with other medicines. Therefore, please consult your doctor before using any other medicine.
  • In-case of any serious adverse effects, please immediately contact your doctor.
  • Please keep this medicine away from children strictly.

Medicines containing tibolone

Tibol 2.5 mg

By Aspin Pharma

Pack size: 1 x 28's
