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Tretinoin is used to treat acne vulgaris in which hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells, and result in blackheads, pimples, or blisters containing pus.


Tretinoin should not be used on eczematous skin, cuts, and abrasions. Avoid use around eyes, mouth, and mucous membranes.

Side effects

The use of tretinoin can cause dry skin, rash, headache, CNS disturbances, headache, visual hearing, bone pain, dysponea, arrhythmia, edema, flushing, chest pain, raised serum lipids and retinoic acid syndrome. 



This medicine is used for treating acne vulgaris in which comedones (blackheads), papules (pimples) and pustules (blisters) occur.


This medicine is mostly used topically. It is applied directly onto the affected skin. The dosage is dependent on the condition and its severity. Please consult your doctor before use.


Please keep away from excessive light and moisture, and children. Please refer to the leaflet provided with the medicine for further storage guidance.


The patients using this medicine should avoid exposure to excessive sunlight and use of Ultraviolet light lamps.

Side Effects:

The patients administered with this medicine may experience irritation at application site and allergic reactions.

Effects on pregnancy and lactation:

The effects of this medicine in pregnant females are unknown. Therefore, consult your doctor before use. The effects of this medicine in nursing females are unknown. Therefore, consult your doctor before use.


The patients with eczematous skin, cuts, and abrasions should avoid use of this medicine (on that area). Please avoid touching the eyes, mouth, and other sensitive body parts when using this medicine.

Medicines containing tretinoin-topical

Skin A cream 0.05%

By Atco

Pack size: 10 gm
