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This medicine is used to prevent atherothrombotic events (sudden plaque formation leading to blood clot) in patients suffering from heart attack occurring within a few days to less than 35 days, ischemic stroke (blood clot that blocks a blood vessel in the brain) occurring within 7 days to less than 6 months, and peripheral artery disease (disease of arteries supplying the extremities).

It is also used in combination with aspirin to treat non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome- heart disorder (unstable angina or a type of heart attack).


The patients with severe hepatic (liver) impairment, active bleeding due to damage to internal organs, and severe heart impairment or disorders should avoid use of this medicine.

Please do not start using this medicine immediately a few days after a heart attack.

Side effects

The patients administered with this medicine may experience bleeding, gastrointestinal disturbances, skin reactions, nervous system disturbances, liver-associated disorders, white blood cell disorders, and Stevens-jhonson Syndrome (allergic reaction).

Expert Advice

  • Please inform your doctor or dentist about use of this medicine before any surgery or medical procedure.
  • Please immediately contact your doctor in-case of any serious side effects.
  • Please avoid use of NSAIDS (Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) during use of this medicine.


I recently had a myocardial episode. Why do I need a clopidogrel therapy?

A myocardial episode is a result of developing clots in your arteries. Clopidogrel works by an antiplatelet mechanism, which means that it stops the platelets from sticking together, thereby decreasing the possibility of forming a clot. Therefore, after one myocardial episode, you should be using clopidogrel to decrease the chances of another one.

Does this medication increase a risk of having a miscarriage?

Yes it does. Clopidogrel not only increases the risk of miscarriages but also may result in various birth defects and detrimental fetal outcomes. Therefore, it is not indicated in pregnancy.

If I breastfeed my child can I still use this medication ?

The correlation between clopidogrel and breastfeeding is still debatable, however it is best to avoid it. Use only if the benefits outweigh the risk.

I have to get my tooth extracted but I am taking this medication. What should I do?

Since clopidogrel greatly increases bleeding tendencies, you must inform your dentist prior to treatment.

What precautions should I take before starting this medication therapy if I suffer from a kidney disease?

Clopidogrel dosage needs to be strictly monitored by the physician if you suffer from kidney diseases. Consult your physician before starting the medication.

How do I know if I am allergic to this medication?

Upon taking the drug if you develop a rash on different areas of your skin, you must consult your physician immediately. Clopidogrel allergy might also manifest itself as pinpoint purple or red spots, which might be itchy at times. Advanced allergic response can present as chest tightness and nosebleeds. Consult your doctor immediately if any of these signs are visible.

Medicines containing clopidogrel

Plavix 75mg

By Sanofi

Pack size: 28s


Lowplat 75mg

By Pharm Evo

Pack size: 1x10s


Noclot 75mg 75mg


Pack size: 2x10's


Platlo 75mg

By High-Q

Pack size: 2x7's


Ogrel 75mg

By Bosch

Pack size: 10


Locril 75mg

By Macter

Pack size: 5x10's


Norplat 75 mg

By Scilife

Pack size: 28


Clopid 75 mg

By Ferozsons

Pack size: 10


Pidogrel 75 mg

By Highnoon

Pack size: 1 x 10's


Revive 75mg

By Scotman

Pack size: 1x10's


Revive Plus 75mg

By Scotman

Pack size: 1x20's


Plavix 300mg

By Sanofi

Pack size: 1x4's
