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Stage 4 Prostate Cancer


Prostate cancer is the cancer of the prostate gland that is found below the bladder in males. It is the most common cancer in men of age above 50. In its early stages usually there are no visible symptoms, as the disease progresses symptoms start appearing. It is grouped in to 4 stages:

  1. Stage I and II: tumor is localised to prostate gland only
  2. Stage III: tumor spreads outside the prostate gland in the nearby tissues.
  3. Stage IV: tumor spreads to other organs such as lung, bones, lymph node or liver. Stage IV is also known as advanced stage.

Stage IV cancer is incurable in most men, all the possible treatments are done to increase the life expectancy and to alleviate the signs and symptoms. 


Definite cause of prostate cancer is unknown. It starts as an abnormal growth of prostate cells due to change in its DNA. When these abnormal cells invade other organs and lymph nodes it is usually incurable and considered inoperable by some physicians.

Risk factors

Risk factors of prostate include the following:

  • Age (above 50)
  • Race (common in Africans)
  • Obesity
  • Family history etc

Symptoms of advanced stage cancer include:

  • Painful urination,
  • Weight loss,
  • Blood in semen
  • Tiredness,
  • Swelling in legs etc

Diagnosis is made on the basis of physical examinations, blood tests for PSA, digital rectal examination, MRI, CT Scan, and bone scan. A definite diagnosis is made after biopsy.


Advanced stage cancer cannot be cured, but to slow the growth and to increase life expectancy the treatment includes the following:

  • Hormone therapy,
  • Radiotherapy,
  • Chemotherapy,
  • Pain killers etc.
When to consult a doctor?

When your symptoms worsens or you experience any allergic reaction to any medicine or procedure consult your doctor.

Available Medicine for Stage 4 Prostate Cancer

Androcur 50mg



Divestra 2mg/35mcg


Aspin Pharma

Diane 35 2mg/35mcg

