This is a type of image-guided biopsy, which combines the use of ultrasound with either a fine needle aspiration or core needle biopsy. An ultrasound-guided needle biopsy is a medical test used to learn more about a lesion or a mass. This biopsy is done by using an ultrasound to find the lesion or mass.
Ultrasound-guided biopsy is a procedure performed on a tissue or fluid specimen in which a physician uses a very thin needle and a syringe to withdraw specimens from an area. The needle is guided while being viewed by the physician on an ultrasound machine.
BIOPSY: A biopsy is the removal of a small amount of tissue. It is an important way doctors diagnose many different types of cancer, refers to tissue which has been removed from a living body for examination, to discover the presence, cause, or extent of a disease.
FINE NEEDLE ASPIRATION: A type of biopsy using a needle and syringe to obtain a sample of cells.
NEEDLE BIOPSY: A special hollow needle, guided by ultrasound, is used to obtain tissue from an organ or the tissue beneath the skin.
SPECIMEN: The tissue sample removed during a biopsy is called a specimen. The medical staff who perform biopsy place the specimen in a container with a fluid that preserves it. The container is labeled with the patient’s name and other details.
Lumps and abnormalities are detected by physical examination, but only the examination cannot give any definite diagnosis. Ultrasound-guided biopsy is a minimally invasive procedure that involves a needle and image guidance. A Needle biopsy cannot remove the entire lesion but is helpful to obtain a small sample for further analysis.
How is the test performed?
It is a minimally invasive procedure. Done under local anesthesia. No hospital stay is required.
Is there any preparation required before the test?
8 hours of fasting is required. Inform the doctor if you are on any medications. Do not take blood thinner medicines for seven days before the procedure.
How long does an ultrasound-guided biopsy take?
An ultrasound is done to find any abnormality and is used to guide the needle into the lesion. The entire procedure will take around 1 hour.
Does a biopsy mean cancer?
A very common question. A Biopsy is just a diagnostic test to determine if the area is cancerous or not.
What are the signs and symptoms of cancer?
Visit your doctor, if you see any of the following symptoms:
- Change in bowel or bladder habits.
- A sore that does not heal.
- Unusual bleeding or discharge.
- Thickening or lump in the breast or elsewhere.
- Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
Findings from the examination of the tissues are linked to the prognosis. Prognostic indicators may include tumor grade and extent of spread. Grading systems differ depending on the kind of cancer being graded, but generally, the cells are scored based on how abnormal they appear under the microscope, with Grade 1 tumors being more normal looking and Grade 4 tumors reflecting more abnormalities. Grading is not the same as staging. Staging has more to do with where the cancer is found in the body and how far it has spread.
A definite diagnosis of cancer is based on the histopathological examination of cell or tissue samples. Biopsies are performed by partial or complete surgical removal of the tumor mass. An ultrasound-guided biopsy uses sound waves to help locate any abnormality and remove a tissue sample for examination under a microscope.